More so than ever before, a website is a necessity. No matter whether you run a small, independent business or a multinational brand, having a good online presence can have a direct impact on exposure, sales and success. Your website is your digital storefront and it’s a way for you to reach more people, regardless of your physical location. It will also directly impact the first impressions potential customers have of your business. 

Diving into the vast world of web design and development can understandably be daunting, especially for newcomers. Mistakes can be costly, both in terms of time and potential revenue. So, to help you get things right the first time around, below we have explored some of the most common website mistakes businesses make. 

  •  Choosing the Wrong Domain Name

Your domain name is more than just your website’s URL, it’s the name that users will remember and associate with your services or products. Having a complicated, hard-to-spell, long or unrelated domain name can confuse potential customers. It can also make it much harder for people to find you online. You should always aim to get a domain that’s short, relevant and memorable for all of the right reasons. 

  • Using the Wrong Hosting Provider

Not all hosting providers and hosting packages are created equal. The wrong choice can lead to slow website speeds, frequent downtime and inadequate customer support. These issues can not only frustrate website visitors but tarnish your reputation. It’s essential to do some research and select a hosting provider known for their reliability and excellent service, like catalyst2. 

  • Neglecting Mobile Optimisation

In the modern digital era, people often use their mobile phones to find the products and services they need. With a significant amount of web traffic originating from mobile or tablet devices, it’s essential to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. Yet, many forget to optimise their website for different devices. A site that doesn’t adapt to various screen sizes can deter mobile users, limiting your audience and potential customer base.

  • Overloading with Content

Content is undeniably key in the digital landscape. It informs, engages and drives action. However, there’s a fine line between enough content and too much content. When your website is cluttered with text it can be overwhelming for visitors and put them off wanting to interact with your website. This can lead to increased bounce rates and lost customers. 

  • Ignoring SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essential for website visibility. Overlooking SEO practices can result in your website being buried in search results and overshadowed by your competitors. This will make it harder for potential customers to find your business and interact with your website. To stand out to your target audience, incorporate relevant keywords into your content, optimise your meta tags and ensure you have high-quality backlinks, for example. 

  • Lack of Clear Call-to-Action 

The main objective of your website should be evident, whether you want to drive sales, gather email subscribers or simply provide information. A clear call-to-action (CTA) can guide visitors and help you to achieve your objectives. Without it, or if it’s poorly designed, visitors may find themselves lost and confused. This can result in them turning to your competitors instead. 

Advice for First-Time Website Owners

If you’re in the process of designing your business’s first website, here is some useful advice; 

  • Research and Planning – Before diving into website creation, you need to understand your target audience and their behaviours and preferences. It’s equally important to define your business goals and what you want to get out of your website. This groundwork will guide the website design process and impact content decisions. A well-researched plan not only streamlines the development process but ensures that the final result resonates with your intended audience.


  • Prioritise User Experience – Always design a website with the user in mind. It’s not just about having a visually appealing design; it’s about creating a user-friendly website that’s easy to navigate, so visitors can access information with ease. Prioritise fast loading times too, as this can improve bounce rates. Not to mention, make sure that the call-to-actions are eye-catching. After all, a website that prioritises its users is one that often sees higher engagement and conversions.


  • Stay Updated – The digital landscape is ever-evolving, with new trends, technologies and best practices emerging. To keep your website relevant and efficient, it’s vital to stay up-to-date. Regularly review and refresh your content to ensure it remains current. Also, periodically revamp design elements and backend functionalities. An updated website not only appeals to users but is also viewed favourably by search engines.


  • Seek Feedback – Before you officially launch your website, get some feedback. Reach out to colleagues, industry peers and even your potential audience. Their perspective as outsiders can be invaluable. They might highlight potential issues and suggest improvements you may have overlooked. This process of seeking and implementing feedback ensures that when you do go live, it’s with a refined website.


  • Invest in Security – In an age of common cyber threats, website security is crucial. Ensure that your website has an SSL certificate, guaranteeing that data transfer remains secure. Additionally, arrange regular backups. This protects your content and data, allowing for quick recovery in unexpected situations. Remember, visitors prefer using websites that are safe and a secure website can build trust with every visitor.

Searching for Top Web Hosting Services in the UK?

Hopefully, the information above will be helpful if you’re new to website design. When you finally get your business online, our team at catalyst2 can assist you with the web hosting services you need. Over the years we have supported both small business websites and large e-commerce websites, and we have a huge range of web hosting plans to choose from. With cloud hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting and lots of managed options, we really do have the perfect solution for every website on the internet. 

At catalyst2, we pride ourselves on our customer service and when you turn to us for web hosting services, you can trust that we will always be on hand to help you. We understand the importance of well-supported hosting solutions and we also know how rare they are. You won’t be disappointed when you turn to us for a server and every member of our team is committed to exceeding your expectations. 

Give us a call today on 0800 107 79 79 to learn more about getting your website online.